SLO Dashboard

An SLO, or Service Level Objective, is a target level of service that a company aims to provide to its customers or users. It's a measurable goal for service performance, typically expressed as a percentage or time metric. SLOs serve several important purposes:

  1. Define clear performance expectations

  2. Monitor service quality

  3. Identify areas for improvement

  4. Align technical operations with business objectives

Examples of SLOs include:

  • "99.9% uptime for our web application"

  • "95% of customer support tickets resolved within 24 hours"

TemperStack SLO Dashboard

The TemperStack SLO Dashboard offers a powerful, centralized view for monitoring and managing service level objectives across multiple systems and services. It provides real-time insights into service performance through easy-to-read metrics like Alcom Scores and status indicators.

The dashboard enables quick identification of issues with its alert tracking features, comparing actual versus expected alerts. By integrating data from various monitoring systems, it offers a comprehensive overview of service health, allowing teams to efficiently track SLO compliance and maintain high service quality. This all-in-one solution empowers organizations to streamline their operations, enhance service reliability, and ultimately improve customer satisfaction by ensuring consistent adherence to performance targets.

Detailed Dashboard Components

Main Table:

  1. Service Name

  • Direct link to detailed service information.

  • Allows for quick navigation to specific service metrics.

  1. Alcom Score

  • Numerical representation of service health.

  • Calculated based on alert completeness.

  1. Status Indicator

  • Color-coded for quick visual assessment: Green: No missing alerts. Orange: Some alerts are missing. Red: All are alerts missing.

  1. Uptime Status

  • Color-coded similar to the Status Indicator: Green: 100% uptime, meeting or exceeding SLO targets. Orange: Minor downtime, slightly below SLO targets. Red: Significant downtime, far below SLO targets or complete service outage.

  1. Alerts Open

  • Numerical count of currently open alerts for the service.

Detailed View Cards:

Cards 1-4: Quick Metric Overview

  1. Alerts Open: Total number of unresolved alerts.

  2. Missing Alerts: Number of missing alerts of the service.

  3. Alerts Deployed: Total number of deployed alerts.

  4. Expected Alerts: Theoretical total of alerts based on configured monitoring rules.

Card 5: Alerts Deployed by Monitoring System

  • Pie chart visualization showing the distribution of alerts across different monitoring platforms.

Card 6: Alcom Score by Monitoring System

  • Graph showing Alcom scores segmented by each integrated monitoring system.

  • Allows for comparison of performance across different monitoring tools.

Card 7: Actual Alerts vs Expected Alerts

  • Bar graph comparing the number of alerts received against the expected baseline.

Card 8: Response Time by Endpoint

  • Line graph showing response times for different service endpoints over time.

  • Includes options to view historical data (e.g., last 3 hours , 6 hours, 24 hours, 3 days, 7 days, 30 days).

  • Displays key statistics like uptime percentage and average response time.

Last updated