Q.1: How do I delete an old account integration and add a new one on Temperstack?

Temperstack scans are based on regions, so it's crucial to include all relevant regions during the new integration to ensure proper resource management. To delete an old account integration and add a new one, follow these steps carefully.

  1. Go to the Integrations section by navigating to Admin > Integrations in the top right corner.

  1. Select AWS (for example)

  1. Enter the new key and secret for the new account you want to integrate.

  1. Enter All Relevant Regions: - Enter all the regions from both the old and new accounts where you have resources. - This ensures that Temperstack will scan all specified regions and properly mark resources from the old account as deleted.

For example:

  • If your old account had resources in the ap-south-1 region and your new account has resources in the us-east-1 region, you must enter both ap-south-1 and us-east-1 during the integration process.

  • This way, a scan will be performed in both regions, and resources in ap-south-1 will be marked as deleted. If you only enter us-east-1, ap-south-1 will not be scanned, and old resources will still appear in your account.

If both the old and new accounts have resources in the same regions, simply include those regions during the integration. This process will ensure that there are no conflicts or missed scans.

Q2: Does this process apply to all APM and other infrastructure integrations?

In Temperstack, we provide integrations with various platforms, including Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), New Relic, and Datadog. Each integration has specific requirements and processes for managing account transitions. Here’s how the integration and resource management work for each of these services:


For Amazon Web Services (AWS), it is crucial to include all relevant regions from both the old and new accounts during the integration. This comprehensive approach ensures that Temperstack scans all resources accurately, marking those from the old regions as deleted if they are no longer needed.

In Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Temperstack scans resources based on the GCP project ID. When you add a new GCP account with a different project ID, the resources associated with the old project ID will be marked as deleted.

For Microsoft Azure, Temperstack manages scanning and resource allocation based on the Azure subscription ID. When you integrate a new Azure account with a different subscription ID, resources linked to the old subscription ID are marked as deleted.

Monitoring Tools

For New Relic APM When integrating a second New Relic account, you only need to provide the new New Relic account ID and key. Temperstack automatically identifies and marks resources from the old account as deleted.

For Datadog integrations in Temperstack, the process is streamlined to automatically handle the transition between accounts. When you integrate a new Datadog account, Temperstack will automatically identify and mark the resources from the old Datadog account as deleted.

Q3: Can I use two accounts of the same infrastructure or monitoring tool simultaneously in the same Temperstack account?

No, Temperstack does not support simultaneous integration of two accounts within the same Temperstack account. You can only integrate one account at a time.

Q4: What happens when I remove an existing integration?

A: When you remove an existing integration, the alerts associated with that integration remain in your account. However, you will need to manually reconnect each webhook to your notification system for these alerts to function correctly again.

Q5: Can I use two or more integrations simultaneously in the same Temperstack account?

Yes, you can use multiple integrations simultaneously within the same Temperstack account. This means you can onboard and monitor your multi-cloud infrastructure, such as AWS, GCP, and Azure, all at the same time. Temperstack allows you to manage and monitor resources across different cloud platforms seamlessly.

For instance, you can integrate AWS, GCP, and Azure together to get a unified view and comprehensive monitoring of your resources. You can also add APM tools like New Relic alongside these cloud services. This setup helps you monitor missing alerts, optimize resource usage, and maintain a consistent overview across all your platforms and services

Last updated