Feature Related to New Relic

Temperstack enhances New Relic's APM capabilities by simplifying the process of managing and monitoring key transactions within your temperstack application. This unique feature allows organizations to identify important transactions automatically and mark them as key transactions, enabling the setup of alerts and monitoring without manual intervention. By integrating with New Relic, Temperstack streamlines performance monitoring and helps ensure critical transactions are closely observed and managed effectively.

APM in New Relic

APM (Application Performance Monitoring) is a comprehensive suite of tools provided by New Relic designed to help developers and operations teams monitor and improve the performance of their applications. APM provides detailed insights into application performance by tracking various metrics and transactions.

Transactions in APM

In the context of APM, transactions refer to the series of operations or requests that your application handles. These can be individual user requests, background jobs, API calls, or any unit of work that your application processes. New Relic APM monitors these transactions to provide detailed performance data.

Key Transaction Metrics Monitored

  • Response Time: The time taken for a transaction to complete, including application code execution, database queries, and external calls.

  • Throughput: The number of transactions processed over a period of time, typically measured in transactions per minute (TPM).

  • Error Rate: The percentage of transactions that result in an error.

  • Apdex Score: A user satisfaction metric categorising transactions as satisfactory, tolerating, or frustrating based on predefined thresholds.

Temperstack's Transaction Management

Marking Transactions as Key Transactions: Temperstack identifies all the transactions, it allows you to mark transactions as key transactions easily in single click. Once marked, these transactions are prominently displayed in New Relic resources, making it simpler to monitor and set up alerts.

Setting up alerts on key transactions

Once a transaction is marked as a key transaction, you can set up various alerts in New Relic to monitor its performance. Alerts can be configured based on:

  • Apdex Scores

  • Throughput

  • Response Time

  • Error Rate

Example Scenerio

  1. Start by logging in to your Temperstack dashboard using your credentials.

  1. Once logged in, go to the New Relic resources section. This is where you can manage and monitor your application performance.

  1. Find the APM Section:

    • In the New Relic resources, scroll down to locate the "Type" column.

    • Look for the "APM" entry in this column.

  1. Access Transactions:

    • In the same row as "APM," find the "Action" column.

    • Click on "Transactions" in this column. This will display all the transactions that have been automatically configured and added by Temperstack.

  1. Mark a Transaction as Key:

    • Browse through the list of transactions.

    • Identify the transaction you want to mark as key and select it.

    • Mark it as a key transaction using the provided option.

  1. View in New Relic Resources:

    • After marking it as a key transaction, it will be reflected in the New Relic resources.

    • Navigate back to New Relic to verify the key transaction is listed.

You can now deploy alerts and map services on top of it, or delete it if not required.

Ensure: Map Service to Deploy Alerts

New Relic External Services

External services refer to third-party APIs that are not part of our system. We make calls to these services from external sources. This includes various third-party services like Slack channels, APIs, and other external integrations.

Temperstack automatically identifies and fetches information about all external services that your application calls. This information is displayed in the External Services section, providing a comprehensive view of all third-party interactions.

You can also set up alerts on these services to ensure that any issues with third-party integrations are quickly identified and addressed.

For more information on alert deployment, please refer to the resources section. Learn more here.

To find alerts for external services, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Resources -> New Relic Resources.

  2. Scroll down to locate the "Type" column.

  3. Look for the "APM" entry in this column.

  4. Click on "External Services."

  1. Select any service for which you need to set up alerts.

Last updated