Getting started as Admin

Creating an account on Temperstack

To create an account, click on the “Register Now” or “Start for Free” link on our website to reach the registration page.

This account will be set as the default admin account.

  • Enter your company name to select a subdomain.

  • Provide your name.

  • Enter your work email address.

  • Choose a password and click “Create Account.”

Fill in your organisation details

Navigate to Admin -> Manage Organization to enter your billing details.

Complete the organization details form.

You will also find your subscription plan details and limits on this page.

Invite Users

Go to Admin -> Manage Organization -> User Management to invite new users.

All fields in the user details form are mandatory:

  • Name

  • Email address (individual)

  • Phone number (individual)

Please note: The invited user must accept the email invite before they can be added to any on-call rotation policy (schedule).

Manage Users

To delete users, go to Admin -> Manage Organization -> Manage Users.

A user will not be deleted until they have been removed from all on-call policies (schedules).

Start the Integrations

Begin integrating with your observability tools:

1. Integration Type 1: Set up Temperstack as a pure incident management tool.

Integration guide for alert notifications

2. Integration Type 2: Set up Temperstack for automated alert auditing and deployment (limited to AWS, GCP, and New Relic).

Set up the notification channels

You can set up the notification channel in two contexts

1. When you are already using Pagerduty or Opsgenie

In this case, we will automatically import the teams (services), map all the resources to each team (service), and also import the existing rosters.

This ensures you have a parallel system mirroring Pagerduty/Opsgenie across all alerts and teams without any manual entry or effort for migration

2. When you start from scratch and will use Temperstack notifications

Follow the link below for a detailed guide:

Incident Command

Last updated